Chance The Rapper uttalar sig om incidenten med Ye
“It made me evaluate my friendship with him"
Vi har nog alla sett klippet där Chance The Rapper hälsar på Kanye West på hans gård i Wyoming förra året – men istället får en utskällning av Ye i studion. Videon gick viral och nu uttalar sig Chance om händelsen i radioshowen The Morning Hustle.
Chance The Rapper förklarar att han ser sig vara en god vän till Ye, och var där för support. Kanske råkade han hamna i fel situation och var den personen som fick vara utlopp för Ye’s mående. Han menar att det bara var ett kort segment och att man inte kan döma hela situationen på ett sådant klipp.
“I did come out there to check on my friend. Me and a lot of other people still have love for Ye, but he’s a human, he’s not perfect. He was obviously going through it at that time, and, you know, stuff happened.” berättar Chance
Han fortsätter:
“It made me evaluate my friendship with him, for sure, because it was like I had never been so close to him going through an episode. I talked to him after he went through stuff before and obviously, like, he came to my wedding and this is somebody that I really, really love and talk to and stuff. But it did just make me realize that I got a whole life in Chicago, I got my own stuff that I gotta deal with too.”
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