Drake & Taylor Swift ryktas ha skrivit diss track om Kanye West & Kim Kardashian
Nu vill Swift släppa låten
Det går nu rykten om att Drake, tillsammans med Taylor Swift, ska ha skrivit en diss track om paret Kim Kardashian och Kanye West. Detta enligt The Sun, som påstår att låten gjordes 2017 i samband med Swifts album Reputation. Nu sägs det dock att Taylor Swift vill släppa låten.
Sångerskan håller just nu på att släppa sina skivor på nytt, fast under titlarna ”Taylors version”, alltså med låtar som inte kom med eller nytolkningar. En insider i musikbranschen berättar:
“Taylor has pivoted her focus to re-recording Reputation and she has come across this song she made with Drake, which never saw the light of day. She knows that everyone is going to think it is about Kimye because it was her row with them which inspired a lot of Reputation. But this one is far more direct than the other songs, which was why they didn’t decide to release it in the first place. It’s no secret that both Taylor and Drake have had tumultuous relationships with Kanye, so they didn’t hold back when it came to recording.”
Vad tror ni – kommer den att släppas?