Heron Preston och KM20 släpper en kapselkollektion
Inkluderar Vladimir Putin
Heron Preston följer Off-White grundaren Virgil Abloh fotspår och går ihop med den ryska återförsäljaren KM20 för att släppa en kapselkollektion. Kollektionen består av två plagg där vi får se en t-shirt med Rysslands president Vladimir Putin print och texten ”Mr President” i strass samt en orange midjeväska även den med strassdetaljer.
Om kollektionen sa Heron Preston följande:
“For me, making a Putin shirt was never about a political message, I don’t even follow politics. It was my fascination and curiosity with Russia as an American outsider who had never travelled there and had only experienced it through cinema and the internet that drew me to this idea. My view of Russia as this pillar of power and strength. Espionage. The country’s history in the great space race vs NASA. It being the largest country in the world by land mass, and Putin being the leader of that. I’m more into his image as this super powerful man, who is also into extreme sports, so he feels youthful. I feel like I would have way more in common with him than Donald Trump, just based off of his athleticism. In a way it feels ironic when I wear the shirt, but at the same time not because there’s a deeper story.
When I went to Moscow for the first time, I noticed Putin t-shirts sold at all of the souvenir tourist shops in town. I bought one and pretty much wore it the entire time I was there. I really love to take on the role of an extreme tourist when I travel, I think it’s funny. So this t-shirt is my twist of a Russian tourist tee.”
Herons Prestons KM20 kapselkollektion finns tillgänglig redan idag på KM20 hemsida.
Via: Hypebeast