Yung Lean släpper Anton Tammi-regisserad musikvideo till "Outta My Head"
Inspirerad av den skandinaviska genrer Dogme 95
Nyligen släppte Yung Lean sitt efterlängtade album Starz. När han släpper musikvideon till ett av spåren, ”Outta My Head”, går han samman med den talangfulla, finska regissören Anton Tammi. Videon är fångande, rå och emotionell och fångar livet hos en melankolisk och ensam karaktär. Stilen följer ett mörkt, nästan dokumentärliknande tema som påminner om den klassiska, skandinaviska genren Dogme 95. Det är en stil som varit utmärkande särskilt bland danska regissörer under 90-talets mitt, som till exempel Lars von Trier.
”I had wanted to work with Jonatan (Yung Lean) for years… We met in Stockholm finally this year 2020. As I got stuck to the city due to the corona-situation, we started to talk more and more about this character of the lonely man. Jonatan knows a lot about movies, and we have a similar taste around certain themes and styles of film making, aesthetic and humor. For ’Outta My Head’ video, the big inspiration was the Dogme 95 film making style. Think of the Riget TV series or Festen by Thomas Vinterberg, or Dancer In The Dark etc… The attempt to strip down all artificial movie making tricks and focus purely on the story and the acting. I think it’s rare to do a music video in this style. But We loved the challenge and went full on in shooting everything in one room hand held doc style. There was only three people in the room: myself, our DP Erik Henriksson and Jonatan. I think Jonatan is a talented actor and me and him share the same attitude towards improvisation, and how to get into character. I really think it shows in our video – his acting is so real, you think almost if this really happened to him.” berättar Anton Tammi om videon.
Se musikvideon till ”Outta My Head” nedan.