Foto: LVMH
NIGO blir Artistic Director på Kenzo
Grundaren av BAPE och HUMAN MADE tar en ny riktning
Den japanska modedesignern NIGO är kanske främst känd för att ha grundat klädmärkena A Bathing Ape. och HUMAN MADE. Idag avslöjar LVMH att han blir Artistic Director för KENZO, från och med den 20 september.
Tillsammans kommer de ge nytt liv åt modehuset. I am convinced that the creativity and innovation of Nigo as well as his attachment to the history of the House will fully express all the potential of Kenzo,” säger Sidney Toledano (Chief Executive Officer, LVMH) i ett uttalande.
Även NIGO gjorde ett långt uttalande till LVMH:
“I am proud to have been appointed Artistic Director of Kenzo. I was born in the year that Takada Kenzo san opened his first store in Paris. We both graduated from the same fashion school in Tokyo. In 1993, the year that Kenzo joined the LVMH Group, I started my career in Fashion. Kenzo san’s approach to creating originality was through his understanding of many different cultures. It is also the essence of my own philosophy of creativity. Inheriting the spirit of Kenzo san’s craftsmanship to create a new Kenzo is the greatest challenge of my 30-year career, which I intend to achieve together with the team. Finally, I would like to thank Bernard Arnault and Sidney Toledano for giving me this wonderful opportunity”, says Nigo.
NIGO kommer tillträda på Kenzo från och med den 20 september.